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CellML API Survey - Follow-up questionnaire to be presented online to participants

If you choose to complete the survey, you must firstly complete all the consent form questions, and then may proceed to the other questions. All other questions are optional, but answering them will help us to assess the way in which the CellML API is being used, identify any requirements that are not being met, and justify the continuation of the project to funding agencies.

  • Consent form for the Survey on the use of the CellML API (researcher: Andrew Miller, ak.miller@auckland.ac.nz). This form will be held for six years. Please click the boxes to indicate you have read and agreed to the corresponding text.
    • I agree to take part in this research.
    • I have read the Participants' Information Sheet (available here), have understood the nature of the research and why I have been selected, and am aware that I have the opportunity to e-mail ak.miller@auckland.ac.nz to ask questions about this research and have them answered to my satisfaction.
    • I understand that participation in this survey is voluntary for all participants, including students and staff members at the University of Auckland, that I do not need to participate to download the CellML API, and that I have an absolute right to withdraw from this research at any time. I understand that where my response contains enough information for me to be identified, I may withdraw my data from the survey by e-mailing ak.miller@auckland.ac.nz up to one week after the survey. I understand that neither grades nor academic relationships with the department or members of staff will be affected by either refusal or agreement to participate.
    • I understand that information provided in this survey will be made public, and may consequentially be stored indefinitely for posterity unless identify that I want some or all of the information to be kept confidential to the researcher at the time of submission in the space provided for such requests (or, where my response contains enough information for me to be identified, by a request to ak.miller@auckland.ac.nz up to one week after submission). I understand that once information has been made public, it can be difficult or impossible to make it private again.
    • I understand that this survey includes an optional question asking for my e-mail address by which I may be identified. I understand that even if I don't answer this question, my answers to other questions might uniquely identify me or my research group.
    • I am at least 16 years of age.
    • After ticking all the boxes above, type 'I Agree' to indicate your consent: